40 Days of Peace Day Thirteen

Growing with Grace and Faith

I love this image. This artist still inspires me to grow up gracefully and NEVER STOP following my heart. I met him in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. He has been making his art in the square for most his life. After the storm, many of his frie…

I love this image. This artist still inspires me to grow up gracefully and NEVER STOP following my heart. I met him in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. He has been making his art in the square for most his life. After the storm, many of his friends didn’t return to set up in the square. The changes made him sad but they didn’t make him loose hope and they didn’t stop him from living his dream, creating art. I wish I had one of his prints but this image is enough for me to remember what he taught me that day.

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When we begin to awaken to the truth of “God is everything” or some would say that we are created of STARDUST. The “God particle” encoded in the dna of ALL life, including the ants, the bees and you and me… we then begin to see that our thoughts and actions are supported by and through nature!

We are actually a part of the system of nature. It’s not us and nature, we are DIVINELY connected!

We are safe. We are loved. All our needs are met.

“In this awareness, we see that we are not constrained by old habits, fears, or anything from our past that keeps us out of this natural sacred space. We can live in clarity without fear of the future or even expectation of the future. This gives us the power to guide our lives in the direction we choose that we truly want! If we do not see ourselves clearly, with clarity… seeing OUR TRUTH, its easy to think of ourselves from our past experiences, to see ourselves as ‘less than’ or from a place of scarcity.” -Depok Chopra

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I am …

safe and secure and all my needs are met.

I am free to leap towards my hearts desires knowing that they come from my truth and will lead me towards my Soul’s purpose… which brings me joy and abundance.

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The ability to accept change. Be open and supple; the brittle break.

“Imagine that as a caterpillar thansforms its shape, it must experience excruciating pain, while having no inkling of the exultation of flight. Habit, routine, and too much consistency numb our minds and pave the road for us to sleepwalk through our lives. Nothing stays the same. Everything passes, and everything changes.

However, do not move too much. As an apple tree cannot bear fruit if it is too often transplanted, neither will a knight who is always building a new castle. This may seem contradictory counsel: to both accept the inevitability of change and attempt to remain constant. But to live well, sometimes you will need to hold two seemingly opposing truths, one in each hand, and carry them both comfortably. Nature creates its balance with opposites. We need the sun and the rain, the glacier and the desert. Likewise, inside ourselves, we must accept the inevitability of change while deepening and strengthening our foundation.”

-Ethan Hawk (Rules for a Knight)

Peace does not come from reaching some perfect goal we “expect”.

Peace lies in the moment, not living in the past or in expectation of the future.

Peace lies in the NOW. You don’t find peace when your dreams come true.

You cultivate peace in the now and that is the dream.


“Dare to love yourself
as if you were a rainbow
with gold at both ends.”
Author-Poet Aberjhani,

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Shams of Tabriz’s 40 Rules of Love

Rule 13

Try not to resist the changes, which come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?


Journal Time

What fear(s) show up that keep me from feeling safe and secure in my body and my world?

How does fear or my desire to control my life block me from feeling peace and joy?

What fears am I leaving behind in this decade?

Write these fears on paper and burn them. Let them go in faith and love.

I surrender to the Divine flow of my journey. I trust that I am safe and secure and protected. I trust that all my needs are met. I am open to the flow of giving and receiving in mutual reciprocity to support my Souls purpose and to raise the collective to our highest purpose. Love is the greatest force in the universe and love is my guiding force in all things.


40 Days of Peace Day Fourteen


40 Days of Peace Day Twelve