I'm proud to be a part of Lowcountry Local First

Lowcountry local First’s mission is to advocate for the benefits of a local living economy by strengthening community support of our local independent businesses and farmers.

"As lovers of the Lowcountry, we understand that we have a choice in what we buy and from whom we buy it. We have a choice in what we eat – and from where and by whom it’s grown.

Collectively, our choices have great power. To build or break a life. A business. An economy. A city. A culture.

The people of Lowcountry Local First offer a simple solution: Choose The Lowcountry.  Lowcountry Local First is a way of life that celebrates and supports what we love most: the local, independent businesses and farmers who reflect the unique character, flavor, and culture of the place we call home.

You have a choice. To choose the Lowcountry with your dollars. Your vote.                                                                                                                                                                    Your voice. Your heart. So, choose – with                                                                                          everything you’ve got."

I'm always happy to help out Lowcountry Local First  and a few months ago I was able to photograph the 2015 Growing New Farmers program. My friend Gina Perez was one of the very first students in this program when it started a few years ago. Gina is a marine biologist ( and a fine bass player too). When she told me she was going to be a full time farmer, I said "of coarse you are!" Her passion for farming reminded me of my grandfather and on my days off I would take Monet out to the farm to help Gina out and learn from her. There's nothing like getting your hands in the earth to shift your mood. 

The Growing New Farmers Program will start up again very soon and they are accepting applications now if you have interest in learning how to grow your own food or start your own farm based business. This program is for you!

AND check out my listing at http://lowcountrylocalfirst.org/business/?id=83215 

Thank you Lowcountry Local First for all you do to support our local small businesses and farmers!!!! Ya'll be sure to get your tickets now for their Chefs Potluck  

"One of the most popular fundraising events of the year, the 9th Annual Chef’s Potluck takes place at beautiful Middleton Place. Sixteen participating chefs are paired with local farmers, fishermen and ranchers to bring attendees the freshest, local ingredients in Charleston!

Tickets are all inclusive.  Enjoy live music by Garage Cuban Band, local libations from Coast Brewing, Firefly, Cannonborough Beverage Co., Grassroots Wine and Palmetto Brewery, live auction, Cirsea Ice Cream, tastings from each chef and some of the most beautiful views at America’s oldest landscaped garden at Middleton Place. 

Tickets available here:

annual http://lowcountrylocalfirst.org/events/chefs-potluck/


Creative "studio" in the woods


Spring will bring Natalie and Adam a blessing