“Solitude matters, and for some people, it’s the air they breathe.” ~ Susan Cain

Solitude is my magic elixir as much as my snake oil. I need to be alone, to have quiet and space but the right SPACE. Solitude with my computer is NOT the magic elixir. 

Nature is my favorite medicine... she fills my bank, she HEALS my heart when it breaks, she listens, never judges, she gives me the space to BREATH and let go, she slows my mind,  she WAKES me ...  so I go to her, over and over I return,  to be still....to PLAY.... to dream.....to create......to LISTEN. 

I've been photographing nature as part of my own creative dates for years. When your work is also your passion sometimes we need to find a way to step out of it and create something for ourselves and my nature art is that outlet.  It's always just been for me but I have recently decided to share some of my nature art in wood prints, art prints and cards. This image reminds me of daydreaming under a tree. It reminds me to look up and never stop daydreaming. 










Live, LOVE, Latch and be gentle with yourself new mama


Nelson and Wingard love