Poe family wild things....


Where the Wild Things Are

Last week Monet and I were so blessed to spend an entire week with our family on Edisto Island.  Time is a precious gift and we all know it. Life gets so busy and we have trouble slowing down enough to call the people we love and say, "Hey, I love ya'll, whats happening in your world?" I am working on this in my own life, trying to use my phone to actually make phone calls and not just text and I am working on writing letters as well. Life gets so busy that we forget how to slow down sometimes. But life is too precious not to do our best our best to slow down and enjoy the love in our lives. 

Thats why it was such a gift for us all to slow down and spend a week together with the Poes, playing on the beach, making suppers together, playing music and games and having fun together. The highlights of the week were the lip sinking contest, which will now be a family tradition at every gathering, and the night I got to share Botany Bay with my family. The eight little wild ones played and explored the beach, as did the ten or so adult wild ones. We had so much fun being little explorers and personally I was overwhelmed with JOY just to share some of my favorite things about this magical place I call my HOME with my family. There are so many places that I love to get away to in Charleston SC and I look forward to sharing them all with my family on their visits. Until next time... we have these wonderful images to remind us of our time together. I love these beautiful people and I am so grateful to have each of them in our lives!!

THIS is why I LOVE photography! As a little girl I was always the one behind the camera because I didn't want to miss a moment of life.  I am still that little girl behind the camera, feeling so much joy every time I snap a shot and freeze a moment. 

It's magic. 

Here is a gallery of my favorite shots of our little wild things.....

May we all stay wild and free as we are as children. It's a gift to see through a child's eyes the innocence and beauty in all things. Children can make a game out of a rock and sticks, they have the ability to dream in day as well as night, they remind us to slow down, to play, to live without fear!! We are born fearless. It is the world that teaches us what we "should" be, its is the world that teaches us to be afraid. And somewhere along the way we may forget who we are. We may forget what we love to do, or how to play, or how to just live in the moment.

May we all remember to be child-like, without fear, with playful loving hearts, so that we may do what we LOVE and love what we do. I wish you laughter and joy and love today and all your days. 


Sarah Poe


Nelson and Wingard love


Freeman family love