Celebrate the LOVE

I wish you the courage to be warm when the world would prefer that you be cool.

I wish you success sufficient to your needs;

I wish you failure to temper that success. 

I wish you JOY in all your days; 

I wish you sadness so that you may better measure that joy.

I wish you gladness to overbalance grief.

I wish you humor and a twinkle in the eye. 

I wish you glory and the strength to bear its burdens.

I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey.

I wish you PEACE in the world in which you live 

and in the smallest corner of the hearth where truth is kept.

I wish you faith to help define your living and your life.

More I cannot wish you,

except perhaps LOVE,

to make all the rest worthwhile.

-Robert Ward

 Love is the gift we share that makes life sweeter. Love can heal us, love can change us, love can break us, love can mend, love can inspire, love can teach us.

LOVE is a GIFT! It is our gift to give ourselves first and a gift to share with others. 

Love is an act. Love is a following of the heart. Love is following your dreams. Love is sharing those dreams. 

May we all search for what we love, and go do it with full heart and without fear. 


I LOVE to create!

 If you would like to create with me you may reach me by email at  sarahpoedesigns@gmail.com or call me  843-696-4404.


Tevoda Sound


commercial art photography