12-12-12 Ain't Life Grand!

We all know that rain is a blessing on your wedding day, right? And how about getting married on 12-12-12? Well consider John and Angela amazingly BLESSED!!  These two love birds decided that 12-12-12 would be the perfect day to commit their hearts to each other. And it ended up being the perfect blessing because nature gave them a beautiful rainy Charleston day. I like to think that each raindrop that fell on their wedding day was a blessing for their family for all of their years to come. And if this is true, they are stocked full of blessings!

I am grateful that I was able to play a part in their  love story, capturing the sweetness, silliness and deep love  between the couple. This couple has no problem having a good time! They "walk on" in love and laughter, "sippin on tall boys" and ridin' high on life! And as ol' joe says, my hope for these two beautiful souls is that they "live long and lucky".

Much love to you both

Sarah Poe


LOVE and locks of it!


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