I’m Sarah!

Love Alchemist ~ Mama ~ Mystic ~ Soul Guide

Oh my heart! I'm so grateful to be here now on Earth. My prayer is to be a vessel of love and the mirror that reveals the light and divine essence I witness in others.

I used to be stuck in cycles of self-sabotage, victimization and hiding my full expression from the world. It is my living prayer in this life to transform my deepest wounds through love. I’ve experienced a full range of suffering and I’m choosing fully to alchemize it ALL in and through Divine love, grace, forgiveness and FAITH.

This is my heart song that I share with you, in faith and love, to inspire and lift you up for the highest good of all. I meet you where you are. I hold space from my heart and experiences.

I am a mama, a sister, a daughter, doing my best to show up in love and authenticity to light up the world in play and purpose!

I Love to LOVE!

Through my own transformative journey I found my way, here, with a deep desire to walk beside my relatives in a good way, to return the love that fills my soul.

Healing happens when we choose to be vulnerable, to be seen and held and loved. Healing happens when we choose to remember who we truly are as Divine beings.

Have FAITH that you are exactly where you are meant to be and everything is in perfect order to support your highest good. Its up to you to choose devotion and alignment for your highest good.

I inspire you to open your heart, to let your broken heart be the spark that opens you to more. To receive and give a Love greater than you even realize exists for you.

I inspire you to remember your divine nature, to gift your Soul's purpose and integrate your unique design. Its time to embody your unique divine essence.

I see you. I love you. Come as you are.

As soon as you realise WHO YOU ARE you realise that you are not separated from the whole, you are a holy space through which God can be expressed.
YOU are a holy magical vessel of the Divine.

As a divine living expression of the Divine I pray,

Creator create in and through me for the highest good of all.


I believe…

Your medicine is who you are.

Your magick is the art of doing nothing outside of your divine nature.

You are not what happened to you. You get to choose who you become, no matter where you come from or what you’ve been through.

You are a divine being with an infinite capacity to alchemize your life into a soulful work of art. Its up to each of us to choose.

So… who am I?

I’m ever evolving. I choose to travel through the underworld and soar with angels. I am guided and protected by the most epic, divine team of spirits, ancestors and angels who I am soul grateful for.

And I am doing my best to embody an artful life as a Sacred Love Alchemist.

I can tell you this, the parts of my life that were the darkest have been the greatest opportunities for God to enter in and teach me how to love. And lets just say, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to practice alchemy. My traumas have been the gateway to living my souls purpose on the earth.

Our medicine is in the alchemy of our suffering through divine love. We are here today, hearts overflowing in such deep empathy and love BECAUSE of everything we’ve experienced.

We always have a choice in how we face the shadows. And theres a gift waiting for us in every one.

I’ve always been a seeker of the Great Mystery. I have a curiosity and faith that allow me to question everything and seek truth by getting out of my own way and allowing God to reveal itself to me. And God always revealed itself as a Lover, not a judge or an old white bearded man on a throne.. a LOVER.

Yeshua and Mariam of Magdalene hold a very special place in my heart. They are both guides and teachers that invite us to be a bridge of Light and Love, to walk between worlds carrying a torch of Divine LIGHT.

“That which brought darkness into your world shall submit to the light and be transformed. Sharro is the outcome of sacred alchemy. To arise spiritually, we are required to respond to an unwanted situation in such a way that our Soul Light and power is increased as a result. This soul alchemy evokes your inner pearl of radian being. In the inner work of self-transformation, we take that which appears negative and utilize it for the highest good of all.”-Alana Fairchild

For the Soul, life is a divine multidimensional art class and you and I are a sacred work of heART.

I’m so grateful for every part of this human experience, for every teacher, every opportunity to evolve and share my heart in a good way.

May my life continue to unfold as a loving work of heART.