~ An Alchemical Journey

into Your Beautiful Sacred Heart ~

Your Soul is an ambassador of God

(Yah Weh) The Way of LOVE is here to guide us all Home

This LOVE is the Transformation Fire, Holy Water and Breath

we create with here in this space.


Come as you are.

We love you

Who am I?

Why am I here? What is my purpose?

What is my Soul calling forward in me now?

How can I serve?

How can I be more aligned in my work?

Your Soul Blueprint is a Map for the Soul

This is your guide to Access your True Self which is always connected to God!

Welcome Family!

All are welcome here…


Mother + Daughter

Love Alchemists + Artists

We are so honored to be here on Earth now walking along side you in this great time of transformation, creation and rebirth.

We are devoted to The Way of LOVE that is here and has never left us.

Love lead the way!

Mitakuye Oyasin

~ Offerings~

in love & service for the highest good

Our favorite part about working with Sarah is that she is SO GOOD at loving and seeing people in their brightest light-- WOW and thank you.

It is such a gift to be seen and witnessed in this way, to have someone help you see yourself almost from God's perspective.

She is an angel on Earth. 

Sarah helped us see the codes of ourselves and our divine union that we could feel inside and didn’t have words for yet. 

We were able to recognize certain gifts we have such as my ability to anticipate the future and Brian's sense of divine timing. This was an area where our leadership would clash, and now we remember who's gifts to lean on and when.

Thank you for this and the many other areas where we dove into our special co-creating powers. 

We so so love the way you carry this wisdom, Sarah.

In Gratitude, Dr. Chelsea Rae and Dr. Brian Lumb (Genius Frequency)

  • I am devoted to the Love that I Am and the Love I Am Becoming

  • Not I, but Christ in me. Not my will, but Thy will be done.

    I am eager to LOVE.

  • The most powerful contribution you have to offer the world is the LOVE you are, and the LOVE you are becoming.

    I love you

  • Soul Initiation cannot and should not be forced. The cultivation and embodiment of your Souls Essence unfolds in devotion and divine timing.

    Follow the Light of your True Heart~ I love you

Surrendering into an

Age of Grace

A 3 Part Series on The Great American Eclipse of Grace

and the Era of Grace we are now entering.

~ The Age of Eclipse / Unveiling what is veiled

~ The 7 Sacred Seals

~ The Way of Love

~ Grace through Suffering / Redemption / Rebirth

~ Is this the Second Coming of Christ?

~ The Holy Mother ~ Sophia Christ

  • The Way of Creativity

    TUESDAY MORNINGS 10:30am at Platform Consciousness Studios


    Join us on Tuesdays this fall as Monet guides us through The Artist Way and opens the pathway to connect and nourish your relationship with your Inner Child that holds the keys to your creative awakening!

    Journey begins Sept 24th

  • Eye of the Heart~Mini Retreat

    September 14th & 15th noon-4pm

    Join us September 14th and 15th for a very special mini retreat to move from the mind to the heart and align with your True Self, as LOVE. 

    Join us for One Day or for Both.

    YOUR HEART IS YOUR TRUE HOME... its time to remove your armor and Return HOME to LOVE.

  • Art Alchemy

    Fall Dates coming soooon!!

    To host your own Art Alchemy experience for your family, bachlorette, business or group of friends, message Monet@poesforpeace.com

    Join us a group experience centered around reconnecting with your inner child through art, play and tapping back into your creative genius.

    You’ll be guided through experiences to open your creative channel and explore the art of watercolors.

Truly the best gift you could ever give yourself.

I feel this is the first and last session you’d ever need because its full of so much value. Sarah’s beautiful vibrant energy drew me in and she put it in a significant amount of work to truly understand my unique souls blueprint and allowed me to understand how to live in alignment with my truest self according to astrology, human design and the gene keys.

I’ll be referring back to the session literally forever.
— Kiara Maree ~ Soul Aligned Marketing
I am so grateful to Sarah for her insights and her compassionate, selfless and joyous approach.

She is so supportive and genuine and has a true gift for what she does.

Learning about my sidereal astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys brought me so much clarity into how I work and why this is my strength and gift. She saw things in me that I didn’t se in myself, and helped to bring them to light. I highly recommend booking a session with her!!
— Jordan Green ~ The Love Therapist
Sarah is a cosmic mother with a heart that swallows you whole and makes you feel so loved. The work she does is healing the planet! She is a teacher in that she gives you the keys, but reminds you of your divinity by seeing you for all that you are! And reminding you, constantly! It’s truly inspiring!!! Working with Human Design and the Gene Keys aligned in sidereal have pointed me inward and helped me realise where I was holding myself back and brought to light the unconscious pieces of myself and now I’m working through it all. I am so thankful for the tools she shared with me to help me step into my sacred heart.”
— Sierra Rogers

“I felt like I was being mothered by the Universe working with you. Being with you, working with you and being held by you I have felt more seen, understood, guided, accepted, nurtured, loved, held, met… the say mothered by the Universe is because I feel that if I could puzzle together the perfect parent and everything that my being needs and wants that relationship. I felt that feeling when I was working with you and it felt channeled through you. We were connected to each other and to everything working together.” Beki Hampton

~This is a ministry ~

We are here to serve The Way of LOVE ~ Yah Weh ~ The Good.

Giving thanks for our Master Teachers, Yeshua, Mary The Magdalene, Mother Mary, Michael the Archangel, White Buffalo Woman, Francis of Assisi and Clare, Richard Rhor, Rumi, Lars Muhl and all our angels and Holy guides.

Poes for Peace started with a prayer and a dream to cultivate Peace in the world through serving The Way of LOVE. Monet and I began this journey to simply, share Love. There is a medicine that can only be served from experience and love. Our journey has led us on an alchemical journey of the heart to transform suffering to grace, through The Way of Love.

This Era of Grace calls us to initiate a return to The Gift Economy. Our offerings are shared through sliding scale, donations and offerings of Love. Money and Love are gifts to circulate in a good way in service of the whole.

(As a Trust, your donation is fully tax deductible.)

“We are born of Love, Love is our Mother.” -Rumi

“Peace be with you! Acquire my peace within yourself.” -Mary 4:1-2

“Love refuses nothing, and takes nothing; it is the highest and vastest freedom. All exists through love.” -The Gospel of Philip